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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Her Expat Lifeâ„¢?Her Expat Life Limited is a boutique global mobility company that provides services to expat women entrepreneurs, creatives, professionals, and investors who desire to advance their global lifestyle, network, and portfolio.
What Is An Expat?An expat is a person that temporarily moves to another country for work. Not to be confused as a digital nomad or nomad, who usually moves around and works from their laptop, but expats are offered a job prior to their move, in which their company (or goverment) covers the expenses, subsidizes housing, covers expenses for work permit and/or visa, international school tuition, and support to the new employee. Expat packages varies from country to country, and in many cases a spouse will follow (and not initially work) and they can live a great life. There are now many opportunities to live the expat life and we are here to help our members, clients, and community.
What Is A Week In Her Lifeâ„¢?A Week In Her Lifeâ„¢ is a 7 to 10 day were a client shadows the life of a Her Expat Life host in her chosen city/country (Istanbul, Rome, Barcelona, Paris, Dubai, and London) to experience the realities and day-to-day of living in that city. From taking public transportation, grocerty shopping, going to the beauty salon/spa, picking up mail (or talking with Customs), night life, tour of neighborhoods and schools, joining social clubs, learning the language, and more. This experience is highly recommended for ladies, of all lifestyles, who are planning to move abroad to one of the aforementioned cities.
How Can I Start Working With Her Expat Lifeâ„¢?Simply click our services tab and select the service that best fits your needs or email us at and put Service Request in the subject heading.
What Is A Local Negotiator?A customized service for clients who need assistance with managing, negotiating, and navigating life in their new home country. These services are provided by locals from that city/country/or region.
What Are Her Expat Lifeâ„¢ Concierge Services?Complimentary Expat Prep Chat: a 20 minute free chat with one of our team members to discuss your dreams and plans to live an expat life. Her Expat Lifeâ„¢ Action Plan: a 2 hour paid session with one of our team members to analyze your life (lifestyle, income, skill set, responsibilities, assets) and create a detailed plan to move abroad in the next 3-6 months. Her Expat Lifeâ„¢ Bronze Package: Available in Summer 2022 Her Expat Lifeâ„¢ Gold Package: Available Fall 2022 Her Expat Lifeâ„¢ Private Client: A client, expat or pre-expat, on retainer, that requires long term planning, support, and team to live a fabulous expat life. Her Expat Lifeâ„¢ Retirement Action Plan: Available in Fall 2023 for 50+ ladies looking to retire abroad, part time or full time.
Why Become A Member of Her Expat Life?There are 3 tier memberships for Her Expat Life Community: Bronze, Gold, and Diamond Biz. Each membership provides access, support, and networks for each member. Our various networks will set each member up with social, professional, financial, and business opportunities and support. From our "Jobs & Housing" network to the "International Business Network" the "International Beauty Network" and the "Professional Network." All exclusively acessible to members and some services available to clients. Check out the Membership page to learn more.
What Are The Essentials Of Living An Expat Life?The most important barrier to overcome to live an expat life is securing a visa to travel, live, work, do business, or invest in a country where you do not have citizenship. Visas and permits allow foreigners to legally live and work in the country. Before you get a visa, you need a passport, so make sure you have an updated passort. Next, having a skill set that uniquely gives you leverage over local talent and/or workforce. And finally if you want to learn more, book a complimentary consultation with one of our team members!
Is The Expat Lifestyle Only For A Certain Type Of Woman?The expat life is for women of all lifestyles and incomes. Single, married, divorced, widowed, single with children, and single no children. Marital status and dependents do matter when it comes to immigration, ie securing a visa, and looks very different if you're married and on you're spouses visa versus single and on your own work permit. Next, skillset and income play a factor in where you can work and live comfortably. Having a job abroad is the best way to secure a visa, financial stability, access to quality housing, and living comfortably, so if you have a university degree (or not) does open or narrow you're options. Being a women that earns a high income (or have her own assets that provides monthly income) or a women that works in a profession that doesn't provide a high income (ie English teacher at a local school) will provide different levels of comfort and luxury. And lastly, your passport, depending on the passport, ie from a western country (US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, or New Zealand) versus a developing country there will be different requirements and advantages. In short, the expat life is for all types of women, it all comes down to having a solid plan and being part of a global community of women who are living the life you want.
I Identify As A Member of The LGBTQA Community Can I Live An Expat Life?The simple anwser is yes, however there are things to greatly consider. While the US and other western countries have amended their laws to recognize same sex marriage, legal partnerships, and same sex rights (like adoption), many countries do not recognize same sex partnerships. Legally, the biggest barriers for same sex couples highly depends on the country they want to live in, but both partners, if married, will have to have their own visa (and maybe work permit), you may face housing discrimination (on your rental agreement), and your marriage may not be recognized in the country you want to live in. It's definitely possibly to live abroad as a LGBTQA, and we highly recommend doing your research on the country you want to live in.
Can I Find Love Abroad?Yes, but it highly depends where you plan to live abroad and if you understand the beauty and feminine standards of the new country. If you have had no luck in your home country due to lack of quality men, getting any male (or female) attention, or preference for a foreigner, moving abroad can definitely transform your love life. However, men are men everywhere, and marrying (or dating) into a different culture creates a new world of new challenges (like responsibilities to in-laws, language barrier, religion and values), but you want to improve your love life in your overall strategy for living abroad, the short answer is yes! (But again, it depends where you live, the religion of the host country, and feminine standards).
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